Tuesday, January 10, 2017

In the Land of the Blind

Understanding Big Numbers

It's all  matter of perception. Those are some big numbers which used to be reserved for the use of Astronomers and calculating the odd of the Cubs winning the World Series. Today, the values verging on scientific notation size are used by our national accountants. 

Scared? Don't be, until you see this...

Okay, shit yourself. It's acceptable, probably unavoidable when you understand big numbers. 

Now, go on back to watching the Kardashians and keep voting for the Republican / Democratic (circle one) party of your preference.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Mike's Last Words: Vol. 1

Yup,  it's official...

They're all my potential last words. If you select the words which I will someday say before I die, a very, very, very long time from now or when we switch to the metric system, whichever comes last, you probably had something to do with my demise and since I most likely deserved it, you're still a son of a bitch!