by poxular remand, Harold the Bum continues his zany antics in lieu
of a life...
donned his tweed deer stalker cap and transformed into Sherlock
Homeless, the blindingly brilliant, brilliantly blind sleuth. He was
searching for clues because he's really smart. Surely, they had to be
here somewhere. Surely, he would find them because he was Sherlock
Homeless the greatest detective from Shit bridge all the way to the
trailer park. Shirley had said so, surely he was.
Things had been going so well. He'd managed to work his magic. Starting with little more than a withdrawal wracked body, a misfiring mind, and a pocket full of key chains he'd acquired in a manic misappropriation binge at half a dozen retail outlets, he had built an empire from the ground up. The true wizardry was that his vast dominion
That was the moment, that horrible, heart skips a beat moment, when he realized she had left him. It was like all the worst parts of the Old Testament happening at once. No, worse, it was as if Warren just walked
Now, he was
How he pined for her when he realized she (the baggy) had run off and left him like yesterday's high. She was all he ever wanted, all he ever needed, but mostly all he fucking had left! This is why he specifically put it in his left pocket, because it didn't seem right. There had been so much more just a
"Sorry, so sorry, my good mongrel", Harold offered
Sherlock demanded, "I say, has anyone told you that you bear a striking resemblance to Gordon Gano?"
[Incoherent moaning with a festive smattering of profanity]
"What, what? Yes, indubitably." Sherlock Homeless absently chimed in reply to the continuing groans.
"Very well then. I'll cut to the quick since you seem to be previously engaged. I'm on a bit of a fox hunt, you might say. Tally-Ho! My quarry is one-inch tall, translucent plastic baggy last seen in the vicinity of me. I had it and now it seems to be gone. Have you seen, touched, or ingested anything matching that description recently?"
"Gone, baggy, gone, yeah the bag is gone!", the suspect blurted out.
"Precisely", Sherlock was on the right path. His instincts told him so, and it was the only path on this side of the bridge.
"Gone, baggy, gone, yeah the bag is gone!", the man shouted as he gripped his crotch protectively.
Meanwhile, back in the deepest recesses of Sherlock's opiate enhanced skull bone...
#1 - "Did you hear that xylophone music?" Braincell
#2 - "What's it sound like?" Braincell
#1 - " Braincell ... Like a fucking xylophone!" uhm
#2 - "I'm drawing a blank here." Braincell
#1 - "Seriously? You're a fucking brain cell and you don't know what a xylophone sounds like?" Braincell
#2 - "Gimme a break, dude. I majored in mildew husbandry, not audible hallucinations!" Braincell
#1 - "Fuck! That's all I can say. Fuck!!!" Braincell
Back on the other less sensible side of Harold’s
applied the NCIS Gibbs technique, "Regrettably, yes, the
baggy is gone.
Now, what have you done with her?"
"Gone, baggy, gone, yeah the bag has gone away. Gone away."
A confession! Sherlock reached into his left breast pocket to pull out his Scotland trailer park back Yard identification to make the arrest. Out came the big joker playing card that doubled as his badge and a little plastic baggy flew into the air whimsically spiraling down before his eyes.
Reunited and it feels so good!
had returned to him. How he loved her so. Harold’s
face took on the look of a newborn suckling at their mother’s
breast, then faded off into Narcoleptic Catatonia. He was addicted.
young boy whispered under his breath, "No shit, Sherlock."
to Part 2 of this story by clicking on the brain cell below or check out the clues to the mystery.
Clues to the Mystery and Bonus Blatherings
Q: Who the fuck is Gordon Gano?
He's the vocalist from the 80's band The Violent Femmes.
Who the fuck are The Violent Femmes?
Let me go on like a blister in
the sun
That's retarded.
A: That's not a Question.
A: The Femmes also recorded a song called Gone Daddy (baggy) Gone with a chick in the video who looks a lot like my friend, Alison.
Q: I didn't ask a question.
A: Fuck you.
Q: Can we go now?
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