In the was Broken.
- If God does not take the fullness of His Creation back to Himself after Perfecting it, then we are left with an incomplete or incompetent God. I do not believe in incomplete gods. An incompetent god is fallible, untrustworthy, and unworthy of our Worship. Our God is a Worthy Craftsman whose Works are Perfected by His Mighty Hand for His Name’s sake, Yahweh.
- The children of Israel were quite certain that they were the only ones Loved by God. They were mistaken. We should not follow in the footsteps of Israel.
- Penguins, don't trust them.
- A minister with red face, bulging veins, and dripping sweat can scream, “God brings hellfire and damnation!” and everyone will shout back “Hallelujah!” and “Amen!” But walk out calmly and in a serene voice say, “God brings Love and Forgiveness.” and the congregation remains silent with invisible question marks hanging over their heads. Who have they come to Worship?
- Those who take life too seriously or for granted will surely grow to hate life no matter what it offers.
- Never send an academician to do a plumber’s job, it will cost many multiples of the product's value. The inverse is equally true.
- “Organic” means twice the price, half the portion, and none of the taste.
- As soon as we say someone is outside of God's Grace, we fall into error.
- Mama always said I would make a good hand cart.
- God is ever with the hand of mercy.
- Belgium was not named after waffles.
- If your father's greatest ambition was to create a creature, Dr. Frankenstein, don't accept his legacy. Don't follow in his hoof marks.
- In the coldest, most lifeless, blackest void there is warmth. Barely perceptible yet fully present, nearly undetectable, but we know it's there, take it on faith.
- Chaos is resident in the mind of the fanatic. The fanatic cannot accept a reality other than that which he accepted at the moment of his conversion. They will stifle, silence, persecute, prosecute, imprison, assassinate, murder, or execute any who prove or propose a different model of reality.
- Many years ago we believed there was the vault of heaven and the frozen place of hell below with us caught between these two worlds. It was a simple model for simple people, and it worked because we believed in it. This raises the question, “If enough of us believe, can we call something entirely new into being?”
- There are those who believe that humanity has been abandoned by our Creator or we are just a fluke byproduct of quixotic organic chemistry.
- It's the little loves from which we can build a whole Universe of Love. We have the raw material. Sometimes we have the inclination. Sometimes we hear a Voice who calls to us “You are the Light of the world.” Like our Creator we can call and form chaos into order, we can emulate Him, but instead we choose the darkness, the emptiness, the void, and ask “Is absolute zero cold enough?” Jesus Saves and we spend. What God Creates, we spend millions, or billions, will trillions be enough to seek a better path of destruction on a grander scale and in greater proportion? Here we stand, hand to hand, arms against arms, with intent to do harm like some byproduct of quixotic organic chemistry. Then the Voice cries out, “You are the salt of the earth!” But we listen to the Serpent who whispers in our ear, burn these bodies and we'll see what the ashes are worth. There's bound to be some sodium in there. Who cares? Let's move down the periodic table and take the more precious metals.
- In the final cost accounting you will find that people value their illusions far more than they appreciate Truth.
- I have a theory that I will never understand the world, and in retaliation the world will never understand me back.
- When my belief in Universal Salvation is rebuffed on the a priori argument of Judgement and Justice, I remember that I pray for Universal Salvation every day because,
Jesus answered them, “Most certainly I tell you, if you have faith, and don’t doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you told this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it would be done. All things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” (Matt. 21:21-22)
Their argument is based on the inability of God to be swayed by a single man's plea for Mercy on behalf of others or God's inability to act in a way other than they expect or wish and I fear they wish for Judgement. Then I recall,
“Don’t judge, so that you won’t be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you.” (Matt. 7:1-2)
I listen to their long, often erudite exegesis on why God prefers Justice over Mercy and then conclude the exchange with, “I will continue to pray for you, as well.” - A lack of respect for Natural Rights tends to bleed over into other areas of relationships. This is why the Founders and Framers of the Constitution encapsulated them within the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
- I think that I shall be terribly disappointed on the day I meet God to find Him exactly as I imagined Him to be. What a dumbed down and diminished God that would be which I could entirely comprehend in my tiny porous noggin.
- Would you trust someone who told you they had to “...curtail your Rights to protect your Freedom.”?
- The nouveau riche looked down from the Uplands into the blue collar community of the valley below and asked, “Why should we have so much and they so little... when we can just take it all?”
- One cannot compensate for intelligence or personality with reiterative flamboyant cordialness.
- If God be good, then what need have we for either sorrow or fear?
- Love is worth the pain.
- Perhaps, what matters more than miles traveled, the increase of the x over the y on a valuation graph, or the cycles of seasons we've passed are the lessons we learn in this short string of moments that make our lives.
- I've got cake and explosives. I'll be just fine.
- We know the truth when we hear it. But, if no one is speaking the truth then no one is hearing the truth, and any fiction will do.
- When people tell me about climate change, I agree there's a lot more bullshit in the air.
- American republic run by the blind
when facts are paid no nevermind
Truth is per the New York Times.
No leaders, just scheming pantomimes. (Ya don't say.)
Occupations of those exposed
in the Panama Papers
- When we stand before the Throne, our Salvation will be by the Grace of the Living God who in His Glory and for His Name's Sake Redeems us. Our interpretations of this passage or that book, a prophet’s words or the meanings of the scrolls and seals will profit us nothing. By the Blood of Christ, being of His Provision, I am made acceptable to Him who formed me in my mother's womb. Nothing else is of consequence, and everything else is but fodder for theologians to build careers bickering about.
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