Hypocrisy is the final bastion and eternal resting place of men without principles and bereft of virtue.
Self-ownership is the foundation of all other Rights. If you do not own yourself, you can possess no other Rights.
If your ideas cannot withstand the light of day, I am certain you will peddle them elsewhere.
If you are struggling with me over principles in the present, consider yourself Blessed. In the future, your conscience will do you far more injury.
Every human being, man, woman, and child, is born with inherent Rights originating from their Creator. The Maker is the Ultimate Law Giver and sovereign over all His Creation. Humanity, being Created in His image posses limited sovereignty under the Creator. Each individual possess self-ownership upon reaching the age of majority. Those who encroach upon another person’s self-ownership are would-be slave owners claiming property they do not and can not own, and in doing so attempt to usurp the Creator’s Throne.
We must stop seeing one another as black, white, brown, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Jew, man, or woman, left or right winger, rich or poor, and start seeing everyone as human beings; brothers or sister. The artificial demographics are the weapons used against us, and we are being slaughtered.
We are taught to believe that the clock is the assassin of our lives, but in Truth time bears no burden for the immortal, which we are in Christ.
I keep the penguins invisible.
I always try to hang out with people who are smarter and better looking than I am in the hope that it will wear off on me, but it never seems to take.
I don't know if Love and trust can save the human race from self-destruction, but I know where hatred and suspicion lead.
Public opinion is what you are told to think.
You can always tell the bad guys in politics, they're the ones either running for or holding an office.
Yes, there is a necessary function for Government, it's clearly defined in the Constitution. Creating national paranoia and xenophobic panics are not among them.
Evil does not proposer when good men do nothing. Evil prospers when good men do evil believing it to be good.
Don't poison the water. Never poison the water.
The strongest man stands the most alone.
The two-party system reinforces a false paradigm. Allow me to illustrate how an observably false paradigm can become so ingrained that you ignore your senses and your God-given reason to accept what public opinion maintains as true. How many sides does a sheet of paper have? Back and front makes two, correct? No, a sheet of paper is a thin elongated cube, therefore it has six sides.
Oppose Tyranny, Slavery, and Monopoly wherever they rise.
Failure is the opportunity to reassess.
Cats have nine lives and all of them suck.
When has truth ever required the support of lies? (Referring to Climategate)
If you can't Love someone specifically, try loving everyone generally until that someone specific shows up of their own accord.
There is no number 23.
Strawberry and Banana Pancakes are the secret to happiness.
Tyrants rise from hell and spread.
We must mind our Principles, and our Principles will mind the rest.
In case of paralysis, don't move.
If Helen had a face that sailed a thousand ships, whose face could sink a single ship?
The cost of free goods and services from government is roughly three times the black market retail value.
If you want to fight crime, start at the top and work your way down. Anything else is just window dressing for barbarism.
As the East Germans walked through the Brandenburg Gate, the Retailers of War saw nothing but losses in their future, but in less than a year we bought into Desert Storm. The fog of war has never lifted since.
If you repeat the same mistake twice, the second time was a choice.
- I'm not claiming that government, in general, is the problem. I am claim that our form of government, specifically, is the problem. We were a Constitutional Republic, and we have mutated into a Welfare-state Oligarchy. The powerful buy the people's silent acquiescence with entitlements and keep us fighting over who is getting the larger share of taxpayer financed “free” stuff and preferential treatment while they loot this nation of its wealth and future. That is what I am claiming. Does anyone disagree with this assessment?
Engage Brain Bone before running Mouth Bone
I want you to think about this before you form an opinion. Just follow the logic wherever it may lead you. Then and only then should you form an opinion… I have an investment for you which is very safe. It is so safe it is insured. If you invest in this investment I will guarantee it’s safety. If for any reason the investment fails, I guarantee that I will make all investors pay for the loss in total and guarantee that you will be refunded part of your own personal losses. Would you invest in such a scheme? Then why do you invest any FDIC “insured” bank? Perhaps, now you understand why the “smart money” invests offshore.
You may cut my throat, but that doesn’t mean I must lose my head.
Love will always triumph over justice.
Curling is not a sport, it was mom’s trick to get the kids to sweep the floor.
Sweep the floor.
They say, "No man is an island." In truth, no island is an island, either. It is a submerged mountain which is anchored in the same bedrock, grows from the same Core, and swims in the same deep waters as every other island. The island we see is our physical being. That which lay beneath the water, the greatest part, is our Spiritual being. The Core is God and the bedrock is our Faith. Blessings fellow Islands remember none of us ever rises or falls alone.
Does anyone feel wiser after reading ten Wisdom of the Prophets? I know I sure do after writing them. That's the self-congratulatory miracle of Mr. Conceit. He's always been a liar, but maybe in this huge, magnificent thing I struggled my ass off to achieve, like making this club sandwich, maybe this is the one time he's being honest.
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