Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Our Fragile Planet

This fragile planet Earth has been rolling around this middle-aged star called the Sun for 4.5 billion years. That's a long time from a human perspective with two noteworthy exceptions being geologists and astronomer. Both of these are both comfortable with ages in scientific notation. Both  consider the Earth a tempestuous adolescent. For the rest of humanity, a few consecutive TV commercials are  hell one of tax on our attention span.

While still learning to be a baby planet, the Earth was slammed by asteroids the size of McDonald's restaurants, printing presses, microwaves, Mercedes, and a few the size of small nation-states. Specifically, Belgium in particular. This period of asteroid assault is called "the Heavy Bombardment Period." Adding insult to injury, our little green planet was regularly bled by hundreds and thousands of volcanoes. It was smothered in acrid gas and drowned in acid baths. Our fragile blue dot was battered by 200 meter tsunamis and churned by whiplash tides. It fractured beneath a plague of bacteria which inhaled cyanide and returned corrosion. This planet became a living hell which gave rise to a blanket of algae and other squishy things that crept around the oceans primordial. Some of Earth's first passengers were stranger than some of the people I know… almost. You know who you are. 

The Earth is long-suffering.

Earth was but a toddler when she was sideswiped by an uninsured planet with the mass and aggressive attitude of Mars, called Theia. The Earth wasn't a total loss. As a matter of fact, this collision is often acknowledged in knowledgeable circles as a blessing. During the impact the Earth lost a divot of rocky mantle larger than our moon. Oddly enough, some of this material became our Moon. At least that's one of the more reasonable theories of how the Moon came to be. Another theory includes a sky god and mother Earth unchaperoned on Prom night. No matter how our Moon came to be, without our gravity locked satellite life on Earth could not exist. That's my theory. You can use it too. Still, after all the abuse, our little island in the Cosmos remained partnered with our local star. 

The Earth is indomitable and, aside from a single indiscretion with a sky god, primarily monogamous.

As for us, we're not so indomitable, but we can be abusive. We subjected the Earth to nuclear bombs dropped on and detonated under her skin. We blasted her ozone sunscreen with propellants because humans perspire more than we think we should. We've burrowed holes in her 2.5 miles (4 km) deep to remove her mineral-rich innards. In recent years, we've taken to pelting her with a nice assortment of our space junk. We've polluted her with plastic, oil spills, depleted uranium, nerve agents, nuclear waste, incinerator dust, landfill leachate, designer biological agents only meant to kill other humans, the Kardashians, infomercials, drinking straws, tampon applicators, and countless gigantic piles of everything else we didn't want around us. We've piled all this crap on roadsides, national parks, and once in a while neatly layered in landfills with a geomembrane permeability of 10-7. No matter what the method of disposal, the disposer calls the shit disposed of gone. In the eyes of our fragile planet, it's still here. 

The Earth is forbearing.

 I'm certain we'll find new, exciting, more sustainable ways to piss off our home world in the eons to come. That's what separates us from the rest of the Animal Kingdom: Elephants still only knock down trees, termites still only devour them, and the Kardashians still just suck, but we human beings are accidentally creative and unwittingly innovative in our destructive ways. 

Our Mother Earth is a classic Renaissance woman who in spite of our best efforts is more beautiful today than she was in her youth.

She's like a wise old cab driver, she's seen everyone and everything come and go with the exception of her current passengers. She will see us go in due time, as well. That's inevitable for there is a time and a season for everything and everyone.

Our tiny blue raft in the cosmos is a tough old broad who we should respect and treat with kindness, but the last thing she needs is for us to save her.

She even tolerates our hubristic bullshit about "Saving the Planet" when it's really us who needs saving. Let's not lose sight of who the weaker partner is in this relationship. She's tolerant. She is very tolerant.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Lucky Guesses

Following current trends:
1) First off, Andy Warhol was wrong about everything. Everyone will not be famous for fifteen minutes. It's far worse. Everyone will THINK they're famous all the fucking time.
2) Cable TV will be all infomercials which everyone pays $600 a month to watch as an alternative to the internet which has been totally dominated by women posting cute dog and cat pictures and posting memes about how strong they are for (temporarily) leaving the "narcissist" they are still head over heels in love with.
3) Wars will be scheduled like Monday night football and the results will be just as rigged.
4) The food we eat will be so toxic you can die from grocery shopping, therefore peapod home delivery will be done by Amazon drones.
5) Everyone will be an Amazon partner which means we all slavishly work for Bezos.
6) The dollar will collapse and be entirely replaced by Bezos Bucks worth 8 cents in Amazon store credit. Shipping is still free for Prime customers who pay $300 a month and swear a blood oath.
7) Every single recreational drug will be legal but taxed so high “illicit” drug dealers still run the market. The real difference is their quality is better, price is cheaper, and the 10th purchase is half off with a full punch card.
8) Frequent flyer miles will expire before you are ever awarded them so they are only used by the rich to impress other rich people because they are as useful as a Faberge egg.
8) The word “mouse” will only be recognized as a midget clown sex worker which is all the rage because everything else is passe.
9) Republicans and Democrats alternate as President every four years after outlawing third parties in 2067, "just to keep things fair." We still vote but our votes don't really change anything, just like today. The Party in power claims that everything is much, much better now, while the Party out of power will claim the world is going to shit fast. Four years later they reverse their rhetoric. Nothing else changes... ever, also just like today.
10) Independence Hall burned down in 2076 supposedly caused by Climate Change. The original copy of the Constitution was lost and "no one knows what those words read" even though you can still find word for word text of "the Document" which are dismissed as conspiracy "Fake Docs" published by White Males.

11) Goats and goat products will be impossible to find after the IPCC black listed them as top CO2 producers. They were renamed “Bearded Sheep” to avoid draconian taxation.
12) Cops won't exist anymore. Everyone will be “troned” (you'll have to wait to figure out what I'm talking about) a computer generated random charge which you can either pay over 10 to 20 years at 13% to 30% depending on your Amazon account status or you can pay a lawyer who will get you a better deal, assuming you are a subscriber to Amazon Law.
13) China makes EVERYTHING including American children, which are actually Mexican knock ups... er... offs. Something about labor costs.
That's what I got.
PS- Still no flying cars... The skies are packed with drones.

Friday, May 10, 2019

A Picture is Worth its Words

CUFFS for Congress

Now you're ready to represent us!

With the campaign season roaring into high gear, I thought it appropriate to re- re- reintroduce my campaign finance reform in three sentences, which I call the Congress Unchained From Financial Scumbags Act or CUFFS.

 1.  Only registered voters who live in a candidates district may contribute. 

2.  Each registered voter may donate a maximum of $500.00 indexed to inflation per candidate. 

3. All money not spent on the current campaign are forfeit to fund campaign finance enforcement.

Congress has spent the better part of fifty years debating Campaign Finance and has yet to produce anything as sensible, equitable, simple, and revenue neutral as that.

Put the CUFFS on Congress!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dogs vs. Cats

I've always been a dog guy. It's not that I hate cats, they're cool in their oddly retarded way, but I'm a dog guy by nature. There is a photo of me in diapers pushing Mr. Salty pretzels up our dog Duke's nose. Duke was understanding and entertaining, which are just a couple of the many dog talents which put me in their camp. Duke would sit patiently as I pushed the pretzel nearly half its length into his nostril before turning his head and blasting the edible missile from his nose with a snort. This amazing feat was rewarded by my uproarious laughter and the reloading of his nose. This puppy awesomeness went on for hours. Although I have no recollection of the event, the one thing I am certain of is no cat would have tolerated my behavior for an instant. Most cats can't stomach me as an adult, and surely not as a toddler... which aside from size is still the essence of my being.

In spite of my doggy disposition, I met a kitten that I adopted as a special needs child. Honestly, I had no intention of doing any such foolish thing, but my girlfriend decided that we would, and you understand how this became my decision as well. It wasn't much of a kitten, more pathetic mewing sliver of dark fur. It had the misfortune of being the runt of the litter, and then rejected by it's mother. 

Tabitha, my girlfriend, had a mothering instinct disproportionate to her available time, hence the furry whelp became my collateral responsibility. Not old enough to have been weaned from its mother, I improvised a feeding teat using surgical gloves. While effective, latex lacks the puncture resistance natural tits enjoy  so the stench of sour Similac became a regular accessory of my wardrobe. During those feedings I found myself not totally loathing the little beast.

What seemed years, but now I recognize as weeks, the kitty was on solid food and I was commensurately less smelly to boot. A win-win for me and my increasingly less loathsome feline friend.

Did I say, "friend"? Wow! But... I'm a dog guy. I am ambivalent towards all cat kind. Well, all cat kind less one, our little... uh. He didn't have a name. We, being Tabby, myself, and the kitten, had tried on a few names from time to time; Jen, Ninja, Snooker, Smoker, and a handful of others that stuck to the kitty as well as they have to my memory. None of them fit the furry one. It seemed a lost cause as one moniker after another came with great potential, but lost it's appeal like a bowl of milk swollen cereal neglected for hours.

At night the nameless one in the furry black pajamas would crawl onto my chest and nuzzle her tiny head under my chin. As I drifted off into another fitful pornographic dream... Out came her razor sharp talons digging deep bloody furrows into the tender flesh of my chest. In burning pain I exorcised the clawed demon from my chest and into the closet across the room. She disappeared from sight into a knee deep pile of clothing and sex toys Tabby would also occasionally disappear into while getting dressed. My primal scream came out, "Lucifurry!" 

Simultaneously, the cat was named and I was converted once and for all to the dominion of dogs. Yeah, I'm a dog man because dogs are loyal, trustworthy, and make great pretzel cannons. Cats, none of the above. 

Dependability, loyalty, and a willingness to go the road with you no matter how rocky, muddy, or treacherous that road may be are exclusively dog qualities which are mutually exclusive to the cat.

I believe that all my friends fall neatly into two classifications; dogs or cats. Although, both my occasionally pee on your carpet the dog will feel guilt, remorse, and frankly so God damn sorry they will sit in the corner and look pathetic and lonesome until you offer forgiveness in the form of a scratch behind the ears. Then, all is well with the world and everyone in it.

The vile cat giving your carpet a liberal dousing of ammonia laced urine will demonstrate its disdain for the rest of your home decor by shredding it to threads.

You can love a cat, feed it, brush it, buy it all kinds of expensive toys, and gourmet food (as if there are cat gourmet chefs) that a third of the planet's human population would kill for... but without warning, without reason, or maybe just for fun the cat will claw the shit out of you.

That's the permanent asshole nature of the cat. It cannot be removed. 

Oh sure, the cat my offer its regards once in a while by dropping an equally shredded bird carcass at your feet. But the dog, he'll show you he fricken’ loves you by dropping a slobber marinated cat corpse at your feet. The enemy of my enemy is this man’s best friend.

Aww! He'll even settle for Second Best Friend

Like I said, all my friends fall neatly into two classifications: dogs or cats and this is the entire point of this pointless penning...

Keep your dogs and lose your cats. Your life will be better for it.