The Prophet deciphering mumblings from the ether using his broken brain phone .
2. If we're not helping people, we're not helping people.
3. In order to understand God, you must understand the nature of God. Understanding people requires understanding their individual nature and the nature of God.
4. Perform intentional acts of kindness, randomness wastes that beautiful mind and Freewill with which God equipped you.
5. Do everything as an act of love. This is how we become the vessel and the instrument of the Creator.
6. Be careful with human beings they are fragile.
7. It's okay to 'pass up an opportunity to tell someone you love them, but it is never permissible to forego the chance to show them.
8. Humor conceals much pain.
9. The first moment when I was certain that there was a God, I was looking at a flawless naked female form. I knew that did not happen by accident.
10. You are broken, I am broken, we are all broken and a broken things cannot fix itself. But we can help others, and this is our purpose in this life.
11. Don't become emotionally attached to inanimate objects which are transient and limited by time, save that for people which are neither.
12. Seminary is where someone who is pure in their devotion to God learns all the bullshit you hear from ordained ministers today.
13. It does not take a village to raise a child, it takes a loving and devoted mother and father. However, it does take a village to raise an idiot.
14. I fell the deepest in love with a woman, my first wife, by watching her do the simplest and most mundane tasks, watching her organize shoes, listening to her breath, and hearing her laughter. All the so-called "romantic" shit didn't do much for me. She was everything desirable and beautiful I could ever imagine.
15. Your friends can be easily divided into two categories; dogs or cats. Dogs are loyal and trustworthy. They love you for who you are. Cats don't care who you are because it's all about them, their needs, their feelings, and their moods. Keep your dogs, lose your cats. Your life will be better for it.
16. When you become frustrated or angry, laugh. Laughter changes your mindset and your perspective from destruction to delight.
17. Do what you like, like what you do. Do all things in love, and love will come to you. Take what you need. Need what you take. There is only one life, it's the one you make.
18. Never lend something that you wouldn't give away. Lend anything that a friend asks to borrow.
19. Hold onto God and He will cast your sins away.
20. Teach everyone, but first be the student of everyone.
21. Suffering is meant for solitude. Joy for the multitude.
22. If you wish to be trusted, be trustworthy. When you are trustworthy your life becomes easier.
23. Courtesy and love are given. Trust and respect are earned.
24. Playing with children is the best way to avoid old age, and achieve immortality.
25. Ignorance, prejudice, hatred, and fear share the same parents.
26. All relationships are built on trust. Without trust you have no relationship. Even enemies trust that the other is trying to hurt them.
27. Why aren't more Christians as forgiving as the God they worship? "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us", seems to have been lost on them.
28. When Jesus said, "Care for the poor", He didn't mean for you to pay taxes in order to create a welfare state. It is a personal and individual responsibility. You do it!
29. If you can help yourself, help others. If you can't help yourself, help others.
30. Always remember that the world will continue to spin without you and someday it will.
31. Envy the man who conquers his enemies and pity the man for not making friends of his enemies.
32. A Christian should read the Bible until it is written on their heart, and then they must go out and apply it. For knowledge without application is useless.
33. A very wise man once told me, "You cannot help them all", and I still think he is wrong.
34. Helping others is the only thing I was ever any good at doing.
35. If we're not helping others, we're doing something wrong.
36. Helping others is what we were built to do.
37. If you surround yourself with good people the world will become a much brighter place. The inverse is also true.
38. Cicero wasn't speaking rhetorically when he asked, "Cui bono?" (Who benefits?)
39. Let others be right once in a while on small matters, even if they are wrong, or they may insist on being right when it will kill you.
40. To preserve a happy marriage, learn to smile and nod a lot.
41. If you're a young person and confused on what to become when you grow up, decide to become a good person. There is always a shortage and they are much in demand.
42. The sun is always shining above the clouds.
43. Love is something we do for the sole benefit of another without expectation of return or reward.
44. If things work out well it's usually the work of God. If they work out poorly it's always the work of man.
45. Your good works are the product of Salvation, not progress in Salvation.
46. A kiss from a disciple is not always an act of love.
47. Law is the division between magistrates and martyrs.
48. Individuals build communities and as the individuals go so goes the community.
49. A little evil does not beget good, only greater evil.
50. God did not answer Caine's question when he asked, "Am I my brother's keeper?" because the answer was self-evident.
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