Sunday, August 30, 2015

Wisdom of the Prophet Book 2

A fresh batch of mumbling from the ether...

1. It is acceptable for a woman to be late for any occasion, except her period.

2. I don't care if it's true, just make it a good story.

3. We are all God's misbehaving, special needs children.

4. Fair is a standard which is either subjective or fictional.

5. Initiative is the difference between success and absolutely nothing.

6. Any system of law in which a common person cannot effectively represent themselves is unjust.

7. We are all well within the Grace of a loving God.

8. Don't lay down your life for me, lay it down for the One who has already laid down His life for all of us.

9. In all things love one another. In all things forgive one another. In all things help one another to do both.

10. Prayer is always appropriate and necessary.

11. In whom resides power, the messenger or those who decide the validity of the message?

12. Religion is what pleases man. Relationship is what pleases God.

13. God speaks in the silences and stillness.

14. God will fix us.

15. EVERYTHING is faith based.

16. Once you realize that the world is a nursery, a school, and an intensive care unit, you will begin to understand the human condition.

17. The body is only the container for the spiritual beings we are.

18. Nothing happens without the Grace of God.

19. The devil is a teaching tool, an icon for absolute evil.

20. Worry is the manifestation of our own sense of powerlessness.

21. If God would spare the population of a sinful city for the sake of one righteous man, how man would He spare for the sake of a Perfect Son?

22. When Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's...", He knew that everything belongs to God.

23. If you are afraid of God, you do not know Him.

24. We call this moment "the present" because it is a gift from God. Use the present because nothing happens in the future or the past.

25. Privacy is the extension of self. Denial of privacy is the invasion of other.

26. A man without conscience is no man at all.

27. We all have limitations and their boundaries are marked by scars.

28. The Golden Rule has been devalued to the nickel suggestion.

29. Thank God for the Gift of Freewill and blame man for using it poorly.

30. Your worldview is incomplete.

31. Pay attention to how a man treats others in time he will surely treat you likewise.

32. We are all one false assumption from where a madman rules.

33. Please deposit another seventy-five cents for the next three minutes.

1 comment:

  1. How do u do it Michael Gentile? Sometimes in life the wrong direction can be the right is everything faith based?fyi I'm always late for everything I'm sure I will be late for my own funeral


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